How It Started

Expectations: Non-Existent.

During debate season, I’m frequently reminded of the Nixon/Kennedy debate which aired on both TV and radio for the first time. People who watched on TV took away a cool-looking Kennedy, while the radio listeners took away a confident-sounding (but not looking) Nixon.

Certainly there were demographic arguments that those likely to own a TV were likely to vote for Kennedy, and vice-versa. This might ring true to an extent as well.

I only say this because I always spend too much time thinking about whether I will just listen or will I watch, knowing that each medium has it’s own pros and cons. For this debate, I’m listening only.

The Start

Harris did come out punching. Trump speaks more confidently. Topics are mostly the economy and jobs, and immigration has been briefly mentioned.

During the first 15 minutes, Trump has quickly batted most of Kamala’s assertions with many false statements about today’s inflation vs inflation historically. Moderators asking digging questions on tariffs don’t make much headway.


Abortion first mentioned 15 minutes in. Trump gets first moderator question about why voters should trust Trump when his policy isn’t clear. Trump’s example is late-term abortion. His mention in support of exceptions for rape, incest, and life of mother is important. He gets a lot of talking time.

Moderators fact check in real time about not being able to kill after birth, Harris quips about lies from Trump. She continues on her own policy regarding abortion. She is forceful and passionate. She mentions Project 2025, and Trump rebuts. Topic of focus is national abortion ban. Trump comparing possible future government protections for abortion rights to the failed student loan initiatives by the Biden admin, implying Harris couldn’t accomplish new rights protections. Harris uses IVF as an example affecting real Americans.


Moderators move on to immigration. Harris gets first question. She speaks about her activities on the border as VP, but changes topic to weird Trump rallies. It’s good bait and he took it and talks about rallies for a minute, but gets back on topic of immigration. Trump talks about eating pets, and moderators fact check him in real time.

Harris able to laugh off the ridiculousness, bring up the lies again, and make many accusations against Trump regarding his previous employees not supporting him. He lies some more. Moderators bring us back in to immigration asking Trump about deportations and how they would happen.

His immigration rhetoric will hit home with his core and independent voters. Moderators fact check him in real time regarding declining crime rate. Harris makes a joke implying Trump is a criminal. Trump calls it political weaponization and fake cases.

He got to mention his near assassination and that’s a win for him.

Previous Policy and Current Views

Onto the topic of flip-flopping, Harris is up first with basic talking points for her policy ideals. Too much midwest nostalgia, seems rehearsed now and before. Asserts Trump is only rich because of his dad.

Trump bats away assertion and begins asserting she supports many ridiculous policies such as transgender surgeries for illegal immigrants in prison. It’s 8:45 CST.

Moderators ask Trump about January 6th and if he regrets anything. He has no regrets and changes the topic to immigrant crime. Moderators attempt to ask again. Trump has no regrets.

Harris gets to talk about January 6th and her experience. She turns it into a campaign recruitment.

Trump rants about immigrants and election security.

Election Interference and Israel

Moderators ask Harris about election interference. Should have been a slam dunk answer, but she didn’t come off as forceful. Trump mentions reverence for Orban, calls him a strong man. Trump makes up Orban quotes about how good Trump is.

Moderators ask about Israeli war with Harris answering first. Discusses October 6th, mentions it as the start but it’s just another in a long line of previous attacks across the region. Asserts she is for two-state solution.

Moderators ask Trump about Israel. Asserts Israel would be gone in two years if Harris is elected, that will hit home with core voters. Says Harris hates Israel. Harris denies and lists the dictators around the world that like Trump, calls him weak.

3 minutes past 9. Break.


Moderators ask Trump if he wants Ukraine to win. He doesn’t answer and blames Europe for not defending Ukraine. Asked how he’d stop the war in 24 hours as Trump claims he can, he just says he will.

Harris gets similar question. Praises NATO, supports Ukraine. Strong finish. The “they would eat your lunch” comment was good. The personal flattery monologue was good.


Moderators ask Harris about Afghanistan pullout. Harris tries to turn the tables on Trump with his actions as President and the Taliban. Trump on defensive.

Race and Politics

Moderators ask Trump why he cares what race Harris identifies as. He’s clearly uncomfortable with that line of questions. Harris asked to comment, brings up many examples from Trump history regarding his comments on race (Central Park 5). Trump’s response incoherent, says she is Biden.

Harris laughs and says she isn’t Biden. The biggest problem Harris has is sounding like she isn’t disparaging her current boss while criticizing Trump. It’s a delicate balance but Harris is walking it well.

Chaos is on the debate stage, many people talking over each other.

Affordable Care Act

Moderators ask Trump about his health plan. He doesn’t have one. His answer is hilariously bad.

Question to Harris. Strong answer that ties in his criticism of John McCain and McCain’s voting for the ACA. I think it’s her best answer of the night. Forceful, truthful, and illuminates Trump’s character.

Climate Change


Harris asserts Trump calls climate change a hoax. Trump never responds, he talks about jobs. It will hit home with his core voters and independents.


Closing Statements

Harris first up. Talked about things she wants to do. Predictable rebuttle from Trump asking why she hasn’t done it already.

Trump paints America as failing, no longer leading. Asserts World War III possible. Ties in immigration.


I didn’t keep track, but Trump talked more than Harris I bet (both in time and in content).

Harris should stop starting sentences with ‘so’. It comes off defensive.

Trump was considerably more restrained than in the past.

Trump sounded far more confident than Harris.

Minor sound bite quips but nothing viral.

No clear winner but I think Harris finished stronger than Trump.